How to create more Influence

influence Oct 03, 2021

What it means for you to have Influence and how to create more of it!

Hi this is Will Fishkin and today we're going to be talking about Influence and what it means for you to have Influence and how to create more of it.  In our last session we talked about productivity. I gave you a tool which really helps you to become more productive. That tool is called Time Blocking.  Time Blocking allows you to organize your day based on your priorities, your capacity for being productive, and it supports you to keep yourself and your life in balance.

It's important to consider how Influential you feel you have been in your relationships and your career. The world’s highest performers are remarkably influential. Let me explain to you why this topic is so meaningful to me.  I was going through the process of learning in this knowledge industry, I noticed several things about the people that I was learning from. They were very enthusiastic. They were very confident. They had a lot of energy. And I realized over a period of time did they were teaching me how to think. This is true of many great leaders. For example, Martin Luther King Jr. and Mother Teresa and John F Kennedy. They all taught us how to think by giving examples of how they think.

Here are some things that I want you to do to assess your own influence:

  •  Write down what influence means to you
  •  Write down and describe the most influential person in your life and write down why they're so influential
  •  Write down a time when you felt you were very influential in your personal or professional life
  •  Write down why you believe you were very influential at that time
  •  Where do you wish you had more influence in your life today?
  •  What do you think you could do to increase your level of influence in that area?
  •  If you could be a better role model for somebody, right now, who would that be and what would you do for them?

Here are some final concepts about how to influence people whether it is individuals or groups. Answer the following questions:

  •  I could influence this person or this group if I could get them to think in the following way…..
  •  The way that I could get them to begin thinking that way is…..
  •  To be sure they will think this way they will have to believe…..
  •  To get them to stop thinking in competing ways they will have to believe….
  •  The benefits that they would get in thinking this way would be…..

Remember, Influence is not about manipulating people. It is about opening them up to a Mindset where they expand their thinking in order that they help themselves and help others.

I want to Influence you to be better at what you do and how you help others in that effort.

In our next session, we will have a conversation about focal points. That conversation will help us put into perspective a lot of the conversations we've had so far around Energy, Clarity, Productivity, Courage, and now Influence.

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