How to Be More Productive

productivity Sep 15, 2021

Hi this is Will Fishkin and today we're going to talk about how to be more Productive and I'll give you some tools on how to accomplish that.  In our last session we talked about Courage and how that is really nothing more than having a high level of Confidence.  We talked about a very common problem that people have regarding Confidence. This is often known as Impostor Syndrome. This syndrome is where one thinks that they're just not good enough.

Let me explain to you why this topic of Productivity is so important and especially important to me. Many years ago, I was producing a large amount of work, yet I felt like I was often just spinning my wheels. It was then that I was listening to some motivational speaker I don't remember who frankly, and he said how important it was to have a planner. So I went on to and looked up the different planners that were available and I discovered two that seemed of interest to me, and so I ordered them. I also took some advice. The advice was that once I got the planner “start using it.”

So I started using Brendan Burchard's High Performance Planner. This led me through a series of “click this thing” and “buy that thing“ which led me to a much higher level of Productivity. If you are not currently using a planner, I highly recommend Brendan Burchard's High Performance Planner. And I definitely recommend that you click on the Free Assessment that you can get just from purchasing his planner.

I would say that one of the most important principles of being productive every day is by “blocking time.” There are several principles involved in this practice one of which is that you can only focus on one topic for about 45 to 50 minutes at a time. Blocking your time throughout the day gives you an opportunity to look ahead, and decide what it is you want to work on in that time block. Make sure that you block time for your breaks. Make sure you block time for your meals. And make sure that you block time for some leisure activity and exercise. You have to use the daily part of your planner in order to write down ahead of time what topics you're going to block time around. This is a discipline and it takes a lot of effort so don't be discouraged. Just start as soon as you get your planner!

Stay tuned to my blog for more tools on being Productive. And don't forget to get yourself a Planner.

Buying a planner, immediately, is what is called a Call to Action. I am calling you into action to have more productivity in your life, so don't procrastinate, get on the Internet buy a planner!


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