Optimizing Your Energy and Performance through Physiology Mastery

physiology Nov 02, 2021

Hi this is Will Fishkin and today we're going to continue with our journey that we started last week with Mastering our Mind through Psychology Mastery.  Just as Mastering your Mind requires a tremendous amount of discipline, discipline is also required in Mastering our Physiology. There are certain characteristics that we have as human beings that are very important to observe in regard to discipline. One of those things is obvious in weight loss. That characteristic has to do with change. This is one of the reasons why many diets do not work. It is very difficult to change more than one or two things at a time. All the things that we want to change and that we need to change in order to lose weight are Habits. Just as it is very difficult to start a bunch of new habits, it is equally difficult to end a bunch of old habits.

Many years ago, when I started on a program of weight loss, I went to a Nutritionist. To my surprise, after the first consultation, she recommended that I stop doing one thing. She explained that weight loss was more a function of Consistency over a long period of time, than making a bunch of changes for a short period of time.  By making small changes over the next six months, I lost approximately 48 pounds, Can I never put that weight back on. I have continued that practice of what I call Physiology mastery over more than six years. I reduced my weight from 318 pounds, to where I am now at 176 pounds.

As a result, I have a lot more energy and endurance on a daily basis. I would recommend that you go back and review my blog post on “the Real Meaning and Importance of Energy”.

How have you felt energetically in the last six weeks or six months? Why do you think that is so?

Have you made any changes in your health or in your diet that have affected your energy?

Let's talk about a different area of Physiology: how you carry yourself. Your physical presence is a big part of how you feel and how others see you.

What do you want your posture, voice, gestures and expressions to portray about you to the world? Do you feel that that is what is portrayed? If not, what do you need to start doing with your posture voice gestures and expressions for the world way you want the world to perceive you? What do you need to stop doing?

I'd like you to review the energy checklist. What is common sense is not always common practice when it comes to our health. The energy checklist has some simple ideas, when practiced every day, can sum up to a dramatic increase in your overall energy. This checklist is broken down into three sections: rest and exercise, diet and nutrition, and daily energizing. Here is a checklist:

Rest and exercise:

  •  Walk outside everyday for at least 30 minutes
  •  Sleep 9 hours per night. If you miss that target, nap or meditate during the day to catch up.
  •  Do 2 X 60 minute cardio activities per week (with approval of your doctor)
  •  Do 2 x  20 - 40 minute intense workouts per week
  •  Meditate once or twice per day for 15 to 20 minutes (You can find the release meditation technique on YouTube or you can use the CALM app or Headspace app.)

Diet and nutrition:

  •  Eat a whole food diet heavy and organic plant-based foods. Try a kale or spinach salad for lunch or dinner for 30 days.
  •  get tested for food allergies
  •  Take a food based multivitamin in vitamin D, magnesium, AB complex, and Omega 3 supplement.
  •  drink health shakes for breakfast or snacks
  •  drink 3 to 6 liters of water per day and avoid all sugary drinks, alcohol, and caffeine. Green tea is OK.
  •  Limit white starches and heavily processed breads and carbohydrates. Avoid white bread, croissants, potato chips, muffins, etc.

Daily energizing:

  •  Every 50 to 75 minutes stand up, move, and stretch, for example:
    •  20 arm crosses
    •  20 armed circles
    •  40 knee-highs (Marching in place)
    •  20 seconds patting your lower back
    •  Deep breaths while bouncing in place
  •  Focus on speaking and gesturing with passion
  •  stay standing more often
  •  hug and engage others physically more often
  •  try to make people smile or laugh more often
  •  focus on being present
  •  keep a gratitude journal and send an appreciative email or text every day

My recommendation for this Energy Checklist is that you choose three of the items from this checklist and practice them every day until it becomes second nature to you, a new Habit. Then you can add additional items one at a time. You are now well on your way to Physiology mastery.


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