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Mineral Imbalances: What You Should Know minerals Aug 19, 2023

Many people looking to optimize their health will focus on vitamins, but minerals are equally as vital! Each cell in our body requires minerals, and without the correct levels they tend not to function optimally. We need minerals for maintaining a healthy gut, brain, and bones, as well as a...

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Bioidentical Hormone Therapy 101 bhrt bioidentical hormone therapy hormones Aug 19, 2023

Few areas of health care are as plagued by competing claims and confusion as hormone therapy, but when approached with a holistic perspective under medical supervision, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can be life-changing.

Conventional hormone therapy has been the subject of several...

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Exploring Natural Solutions for Clear Vision clear vision eye health Jul 10, 2023

From endless hours spent in front of computers to scrolling through smartphones, our eyes are subjected to constant strain and exposure to blue light, which can have long-term effects on our vision.

Vision changes a lot throughout your lifetime. It may have been perfect when you were a child, but...

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A Natural Approach to Acid Reflux acid reflux heartburn Jul 10, 2023

As anyone who has experienced it knows, the discomfort of acid reflux can be excruciating. It can also interfere with sleep and lead to serious medical conditions like esophageal cancer and tooth decay.

If you’re still relying on the conventional approach to acid reflux, you may want to...

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Finding Hormone Balance Naturally hormone balance hormones Jun 27, 2023

Your well-being relies on a complex balance of many hormones, including testosterone, estrogen, adrenaline, insulin, and thyroid hormone. Each of these plays an important role in supporting your body’s functions, but even a slight imbalance in hormone levels can wreak havoc - often in...

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Headaches: A Natural Solution Guide headaches Jun 27, 2023

Headaches are a common condition that most people will experience at some point in their lives. Often they make it difficult to go to work or school, so non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), such as Ibuprofen or Advil, are used to relieve symptoms.

However, these superficial treatments...

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Endometriosis: A Natural Approach endometriosis womens health May 21, 2023

Severe pain during your period, bloating, and painful intercourse shouldn’t be accepted as normal. Women experiencing these symptoms could have endometriosis, a condition affecting about 10% of females of reproductive age. Despite its prevalence, endometriosis can be difficult to treat, and...

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Spring Allergies Got You Down? Try These Natural Solutions for Relief! allergies spring allergies May 21, 2023

Spring is often characterized as a season of renewal, hope, and rebirth. However, for many, it’s also a season of runny noses, itchy and watery eyes. In fact, about 25% of  North Americans suffer from seasonal allergies, with the spring season being the biggest offender.


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Why Oral Health Matters oral health Apr 16, 2023

A central tenet of holistic health is the interconnectedness of all the elements that make up your wellbeing. Through this approach, we learn how our lifestyle choices can impact health in ways we may not expect. But, an often-overlooked component of these complex connections is your oral health....

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The PCOS and Gut Health Connection gut health pcos polycystic ovary syndrome Apr 16, 2023

Up to five million women in the U.S. have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), but this condition remains frustratingly difficult to diagnose and treat. One study found that 70% of women with PCOS haven’t been diagnosed, so they continue to experience debilitating symptoms.

With a wide range...

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Don’t Let Prescription Meds Rob You Of Valuable Nutrients medication nutrients prescription Mar 25, 2023

Prescription medications provide relief for various conditions and illnesses. For some people, they’re an important part of maintaining health and vitality. However, many come with the unwanted side effect of depleting your body of key nutrients.

Our bodies require sufficient vitamins and...

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What You Need to Know About Testosterone hormones testosterone Mar 25, 2023

Testosterone plays a number of important roles in our health that may surprise you.

For instance, did you know that women produce testosterone, too? It is not just a male sex hormone, although women require only one tenth the amount of testosterone that men do.

We experience a spike in...

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